Volo In-Room Tablets for Healthcare

Simple and elegant technology built to orient, entertain, and connect your patients with those that matter most.

About Volo!


Welcome your patients with custom content: facility orientation, amenities, admission information, expectations, staff introductions and more.


Keep patients entertained and relaxed with games, news, radio and more!


Streamline communication with staff-specific messaging, service, food and item requests.


Save time, and reduce waste and printing costs with efficient content updates.


Gauge patient satisfaction with one-click satisfaction feature; improve HCAHPS with on-site service recovery.


Improved ratings, efficiencies and other revenue sources will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

Easy Installation

Volo is designed to run as a standalone platform on state of the art Apple iPads. Without any necessary system integrations or access to patient-specific data, Volo is easily deployed. Contact us for a demonstration!  


Benjamin Londa

Benjamin Londa

President & CEO

JP Maxwell

JP Maxwell

Chief Technology Officer

Bryan Wilson

Client Success Manager

Katelyn Ivers

Marketing Specialist

Client Testimonials

Ignite Medical Resorts

“Volo has been a godsend for Ignite. I think the biggest compliment I have to give the staff of Volo is how flexible they are! They are always willing to work with you and tailor your experience for you and your guests to make their stay more comfortable!”

– Jim White, Chief Culture Officer at Ignite Medical Resorts

Ignite Medical Resorts

Volo’s platform is very interactive and easy to use. Guests love the ability to learn additional details about the building or order room service. Volo continues to upgrade and innovate.”

– Staff, Ignite Medical Resorts

Ignite Medical Resorts

We are able to have families reach out to their loved ones by using our iPads, which is making a huge difference during this time.

– Staff, Ignite Medical Resorts

Ignite Medical Resorts

I have worked with multiple guests who have enjoyed our hospitality tablets! In the times we are experiencing it has really become a necessity for our guests over the course of their stay.

– Staff, Ignite Medical Resorts

Contact Us Today!